As I mentioned in my first post, there have been some challenges and disappointments in my business and personal life recently, and that has caused me to experience minor depression, anxiety and a shortness of temper. I think the older we get, and as creative beings, we tend to have control issues, especially when it comes to the forward direction of our lives. If anything disrupts that control it creates disharmony, and where there is disharmony there is unrest. And where there is unrest, it's hard to stay focused on both our work and home lives.
Without going into detail at the moment, the past three to four months have been challenging to say the least. This past August, my wife and I decided to sell our home in Connecticut and move up north looking for a more peaceful life with less stress and less financial obligations. Everything is more expensive in Connecticut, so we looked around and found a smaller place up in the mountains that seemed like it could work for us and we listed our home for sale. Within two weeks of listing our home we accepted a contract on our home. Things were coming together nicely. We were excited to start our new adventure and everything seemed to be falling into place. We didn't know it at the time, but that could not have been further from the truth... let me explain.
In the past 90 days we purchased a home up north, closed on that home, hired a moving company to move our entire house up north, registered our cars, and unpacked and got settled into our new life. Almost immediately, the contract on our home fell apart and subsequently we also watched five other contracts fall apart. In December our listing expired without a sale on our home and we were left with a few tough decisions to make. You won't believe this but strictly for financial reasons we decided to move back to our house in Connecticut. So we packed up another moving truck, listed our northern home for sale and drove back to Connecticut- moving truck and all. For our neighbors and friends watching this scenario unfold, I must say, we most likely looked like the biggest blundering fools ever to walk this green earth- and I must confess, I couldn't blame them.
As of this writing we have only been back home for about two weeks. Our home up north is now on the market for sale and our Connecticut home is no longer for sale. Business is typically slow this time of year so we are dealing with that, bills are piling up for both homes and our nerves are frazzled, but I am looking for something to be thankful for each and every day. Yesterday we went food shopping and because money is tight I was concerned. On our way to the store I told my wife we need to watch our spending at the store and only get the bare minimum. It was at that moment that she reminded me that a few days ago her sister had sent us a gift card to the very grocery store that we were going to. And there it was... a little blessing for the day. Yesterday's groceries were made possible by the generosity of my sister-in-law and her husband. It may not seem like alot to someone else, but at that moment it was a gift and we needed it desperately.
To be honest, in the current situation we are in, we need multiple blessings daily to get out of the difficulties created by moving twice in 90 days. I know the trouble we are facing is situational and will end, but the pressure today seems a bit much. With everything we are going through it has definitely made me more aware of any blessing or act of kindness that comes our way. For today, we are forward and onward. Let's see what tomorrow brings.
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